Thursday 6 September 2007


Okay, this needs some explanation .
Instead of renting a car and exploring Taman Negara, we took a ferry north to the island of Langkawi, and booked a flight back to KL. The car hire is really expensive, especially if you want to pick up and drop off in different cities, and the roads aren't that great so we'd have to drive most of the way down to KL before heading northeast. That, and the fact that it was forecast to be really rainy in Taman Negara.
The ferry was pretty comfortable actually, and after arriving we took a taxi to the main touristy bit of the island - Pantai Chenang - and wandered up and down looking for a place to stay. The places listed in the Lonely Planet guide looked a we walked on, and eventually found a really nice place, just off the beach, and somehow ended up in a deluxe room complete with TV and minibar! (It cost the same as our tiny, non-ac room in Batu Ferringhi.)
We had a wander up the road; for some reason, Langkawi is designated a duty-free zone, so there's plenty of shops selling perfumes and alcohol (a can of beer costs about 15p and apparently a Jaguar costs about 15,000) which is fine unless you are looking for a can of beans. So we had a look in some duty free shops and bought the usuals (bread, peanut butter etc) and went back for a nap. In the evening we ate at a restaurant on the beach and then played cards and raided the minibar back in our room.

Neither of us remember the next day very well, so we probably slept in and read, and ate, and slept some more (we might have made it out onto the beach for dinner).

The third day, we went on a boat trip to a nearby island, where we hired a paddle/solar boat thing and explored the lake in the middle of the island, and watched the monkeys. On the way to another island with a white beach (which was full of people like us, trying to find a deserted white beach, and idiots feeding monkeys) we stopped to feed the eagles! The guide threw some meat in the water, and eagles emerged from all sides, circling above us and then swooping down to pick up the meat. It was awsome.

In the afternoon we hired a car and set off to explore some of the less touristy parts of the island. We soon discovered that it's all pretty touristy, but we did find a few waterfalls that didn't have anyone else around...there were some huge spiders though - we're not entirely sure what they were, but they looked poisonous. Alex liked the butterflies. We also did the really long walk up a hill to the top of a waterfall (Seven Wells) which was tiring. From the top you could see this awesome cable car, which was absolutely huge, and I found it much more interesting than Alex(!).

The next morning we flew back to KL. We weren't bothered about the prospect of spending most of the day in the airport because, as previously mentioned, KL airport is amazing, but we soon discovered that Air Asia flies out of the Low Cost Carrier Terminal which is more like an Indian airport. So, we took the shuttle to the main building, and spent the afternoon there - we got back in time to wait for the delayed flight to Jakarta.


Unknown said...

What happened to Bali?and did you not see any of the K.L Independence celebrations? they were on tv here Presumably this part of your trip was flexible. I have never heard of these places but they sound interesting!

Rory said...

We just finished Bali - we're just a little behind on our posting. We've got to do Jakarta and Bali. We've just arrived in Vietnam - the visa was OK.

I think we missed the celebrations, but all over Malaysia are 50th anniversary flags (and sales) and things!